Grants and Endowments

Supporting the needs of the school

Provincial’s Circle

Donation levels of Rs.7.5-10 lakhs.


Rector’s Circle

Donation levels of Rs. 5-7.5 lakhs.


Principal’s Circle

Donation levels of Rs. 2.5-5 lakhs.


Vice Principal’s Circle

Donation levels of Rs. 1-2.5 lakhs.


Blue & White Circle

Donation levels of Rs.50,000-1 lakh.


Young Alumni (<25 years)

Donation level of Rs. 25,000. (individual donations only)


Named Grants and Endowments

St. Francis Xavier Circle

Donation Level: Rs.10-25 Lakhs

Additional recognition with a blue and white plaque outside a designated room. (Classrooms, Storerooms, Sports Room, Scout Room, Resource Rooms)


St. Ignatius of Loyola Circle

Donation Level: Rs.25-50 Lakhs

Recognition benefits of previous circle + custom board inside designated room (Fitness Room, Food Court, Canteen, Art Room, Band Room, Snooker Room, Table Tennis Room, Music Room etc.)


St. Joseph Circle

Donation Level: Rs.50-100 Lakhs

Recognition benefits of previous circle + optional 2ftx2ft granite plaque outside designated Lab, Hall or Facility (Concert Hall, Physics Lab, Biology Lab, Computer Lab, Library, Swimming Pool
Indoor Cricket, Indoor Badminton)  

Fide et Labore Circle

Donation Level: Rs.1 CR  and above.

Recognition benefits of previous circle + optional 3ftx3ft granite plaque outside Main Hall or Auditorium. 


If you have an interest in a special grant to name the Sports Complex please contact [email protected]

Giving Options

JAANA Grants & Building Funds

The JAANA Grants offer alumni the opportunity to make a one-time gift towards improving the infrastructure of the school. The gift can be in the form of a lumpsum payment or paid in three equal installments over three years towards the school building funds as detailed below. This allows you the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy through the naming of a building / laboratory / room in honor of a teacher, parents or your family. All naming will be carried out on a first-come-first serve basis, after the initial deposit has been received.

The donations will be recognized through a permanent reference at SJBHS, OBA and JAANA websites, as well as in the Annual Reports.  Contributions may be made at any of the selected levels below.

JAANA General Endowment

The JAANA General Endowment will be built by contributions from all the JAANA members (as individuals, batches, groups or families) as well as additional monetization generated by alumni networking initiatives. The investment returns and a part of the principal as appropriate will be used to pay for OBA and BJES projects over a period of time based on a vote of the JAANA Board each year.The donations will be recognized through a permanent reference at SJBHS, OBA and JAANA websites, as well as in the Annual Reports. Contributions may be made at any of the selected levels below over a three year period. 

JAANA Named Endowment

The JAANA Named Endowments offer alumni to make a unique contribution towards educating and mentoring the next generation of Joseph’s innovators and leaders. The investment commitment must be fully funded in three years with a minimum of 5% payout on the whole commitment to be made annually from the commitment start date. Decisions of the allocation of the money will be determined by the sponsor(s) of the Named Endowment. The donations will be recognized through a permanent reference at SJBHS, OBA and JAANA websites, as well as in the Annual Reports. Contributions may be made at any of the selected levels below over the three year period.

Donation Management

 Tax-deductible Donations

JAANA is registered as a non-profit organization, and is in the process of registering as a 501(c)(3) organization. If you require a tax deduction, you can donate to JAANA through LFL Foundation ( until JAANA receives 501(c)(3) status.


All contributions will be deposited under JAANA at Fidelity, a US financial institution. A third-party fiduciary (CPA), the JAANA finance team and the JAANA board will ensure that the grant is transparently transferred to the BJES for the school infra-structure projects.

Gift Matching

You may be able to double or even triple the impact of your gift simply by applying for a matching gift from your employer. To find out if your employer matches gifts, click here and search for your company.